Friday, September 14, 2007

Doctors Appointment

10 Weeks Pregnant...Yesterday we had another Doctors appointment. The nurse asked us a bunch of family history questions and Mommy health questions. Mommy also had to go through a not so fun part!! But everything was normal. They gave us TONS of magazines, pamphlets, and a book to keep and read. I don't think I will be pregnant long enough to get through it all!!! The next appointment is in four weeks and we will hear the heartbeat again. We are excited to hear that little heart! Sunday Daddy is going to empty the baby room of all the Mommy furniture. Hopefully we will get started on this room!!!!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

8 Weeks

This is our 8 week picture. Check back next month to see if my belly is growing. I know it looks like it has grown but I looked like this before I got pregnant. Sad I know! We will be doing monthly pictures to keep track of the baby growth.