Monday, January 21, 2008

Doctor's Appointment

28.5 weeks...Today we had another doctor's appointment. It was a quickie! The baby's heart rate was 132 bpm this time and this made us think boy! But those wives tales are very unscientific. My blood pressure is still good and I am measuring about 27 weeks, so a little behind in size. Again every doctor measures different too. I have gained a total of 14 pounds which isn't bad, but I wish it were less!! We have another appointment in three weeks and then we start going every two weeks. They told us this last time so I am glad we don't have to start going that often just yet! I can't believe that we are in our third trimester and only have about 11 weeks to go! The baby will be here quicker that we think. The room still is not really started, but Chad has worked really hard to get it primed and ready to paint whenever we figure out what color we are going to paint it.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Test Results

Today I got a call from the nurse at my doctor's office saying that I am negative for gestational diabetes and anemia. Everything is looking good. I was a little worried with all the sweets that this baby is making me crave! I thought for sure my sugar levels would be sky high!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Doctor's Appointment

26 weeks...On Friday we had another doctor's appointment. I had to take the glucose test. The drink wasn't that bad a little like orange crush without the fizz. We will find out the results sometime next week. Hopefully I passed and won't have to take the 3 hour test. They measured my belly at 27 weeks, which is great because I am not measuring way bigger like my last visit. My blood pressure is good and the baby's heart rate was 150 bpm which is also very normal. She had trouble getting the heart rate on the baby because it kept moving around once she would find it. We have a little squirmer on our hands I think. I have only gained a total of 10 pounds which is amazing since all I want to eat is candy and junk food. This baby totally has daddy's taste buds!! We will post the news on whether or not I passed the glucose test as soon as we know!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!!

25 1/2 weeks...Well Happy 2008 to everyone. The baby got to ring in the new year with Mommy, Daddy, Lindsay, Ben, Benjamin, Caden and the new little girl Kahl. We swapped lots of pregnancy stories and enjoyed watching Caden walk all over the house. He is getting so grown up! Daddy also played Benjamin's new guitar and entertained Caden! We also ate New Year's Day lunch with Grandma Ruthie, Grandpa Kenny, Aunt Kendra H., Uncle Derrick, Kierra, Kendrick, and Kynzie. We hope that everyone has a great 2008 we know we will with our new arrival in April!