Monday, March 31, 2008


Second Baby Shower!!!

On Saturday we had another baby shower thrown by Aunt Kendra G. and Tami at Eastside Bible Church in Morton. It was a really nice shower. There were lots of Chad's family and friends there. We got loads of presents for the baby and had a ton of fun! We played a couple games and ate some delicious cupcakes made by Aunt Kendra G. We are very thankful for everyone coming and sharing in the shower and all the gifts you shared with the baby. Thank you so much to Aunt Kendra G. and Tami for all the hard work they did to put on the shower. It was a great day!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Doctor's Appointment

37 weeks and 5 days...Today we had another doctor's appointment and a sonogram. First they did our sonogram and baby is head down. The heart rate was 145 bpm and everything looked normal and healthy. We got to see the baby pucker up and also making breathing movements. We even got the privilege to get two 4D pictures. They weren't great because baby insisted on having its hands in front of its face, big surprise! We also got another huge surprise, they took measurements of the baby and it is measuring as a 9 lb 10 oz baby. Yes I said 9 lb and we have 2 weeks left until our due date. My blood pressure is still in good standing and this week I had only gained a total of 19 lbs. The doctor checked me and said that the baby is not engaged and I am not dilated. So basically this baby is not wanting to go anytime soon and will just keep growing! The doctor said that we have an option of doing a c-section if I don't start to progress. He is worried that the baby would not fit through my pelvis if I try to do a vaginal delivery. I do have the option of trying to delivery if that is my choice. I do not think they will let me go over my due date though! We have another appointment next Wednesday and we will discuss those options again when they check me.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Doctor's Appointment

37 weeks...On Wednesday I woke up and looked at myself in the mirror and thought the belly looked a little different. I could also breath easier. We think the baby has dropped some or changed positions. It feels weird to have a different belly!!

Today we had another doctor's appointment. My blood pressure is still doing great. This time I had gained a total of 21 pounds. That ice cream is catching up to me!! I am measuring at 38 weeks and the baby's heart rate was 136 bpm. They checked me and said that the baby's head has not engaged yet. This is good because it means we are a little ways away from being ready to deliver. I know it sounds strange, but we want it to last three more weeks so Mommy doesn't have to go back to work before the end of the year! Our next appointment is Tuesday, March 25th. We will see the doctor and have a sonogram. They will tell us an estimate of how big they think the baby is going to be. I can't wait to see the sonogram this time!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

34 1/2 Weeks Pregnant

Yesterday was another one of our monthly baby bump picture days! As you can see the bump is growing and growing! You can also see that I was tired from our busy weekend and ready to be in pajamas!!! We worked in the nursery today, putting more shower gifts away that we weren't able to get home last weekend. We now have the stroller and car seat and will be going to the fire station to have them install it properly. We also sorted through the tons of diapers and have a few newborn, 1s, 2s, and 4s to get us started. The baby's bouncy seat is put together and we love how soft and tall it is so we do not have to bend over too far to pick up baby.