Friday, September 19, 2008

Sick Baby!

P.S. These pictures are especially for Grandpa Kenny and Grandma Ruthie. Looks like the next U of I football player to me, but Grandma you never know he might play for their basketball team!

We have had a rough week this past week...It all started with Auggie coming home from the daycare a mess last Thursday (long story). So we decided to pull him out of daycare. We were blessed that Mommy has great friends at work who suggested someone that would come to our house to babysit Auggie. Kathy is wonderful and we cannot wait for her to start on the 29th. Then Auggie woke up in the middle of the night on Saturday with a very croupy cough. The rest of the week he had a low temp. and a bad cough. Finally on Friday he had a higher temp and was very lethargic. Our doctor sent us to the after hours peds at OSF. Auggie got a shot of antibiotic because he had a ear infection and could not keep the medication down. Hopefully that will help him to get over this nasty stuff he has been fighting all week.

On Saturday we were supposed to have his 5 month pictures taken since he turned 5 months old on Tuesday, but they will be postponed until Auggie is feeling better. Sunday is supposed to be his dedication, but we will see how he is feeling tomorrow and decide if we go ahead with it or not. On Monday he weighed in at 18 pounds 9.6 ounces at the doctor. We have not measured his height yet for this month. We are so sad Auggie has been so sick and can't wait until he is his happy go lucky healthy self!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to here that he was a sick baby. Hope he is doing better. I really don't like those daycare people. I would rather him be at home instead. I am glad you found someone that will come to your house. Hope she works out for you. He doesn't look sick in his pictures tho. He still looks like a happy baby. Uncle Jerry & Aunt Betty